Name ;; Victoria Nickname(s) ;; Vicky, Nike (in Greek) Age ;; really old. Birthday ;; She never mentions it. Gender ;; Female
Species ;; Goddess Immortal Parent ;; Pallas and Styx Years at Camp ;; N/A
Celebrity Claim ;; Malese Jow
Appearance ;; Detailed description of your character. Must be at least 150 words.
Personality ;; Overall description of your character's personality. Must be at least 250 words. Please be descriptive, we do really want to know your character!
Powers ;; Rough description of your character's powers. Must be at least 100 words.
Family ;; A list of your character's relevant family members.
History ;; An overview of your character's history. Must be at least 400 words.
Site Alias ;; Lilith Reading;; All of PJO and half of HoO Roleplaying Experience ;; more or less 12 years Sample RP ;; Please check my army XD
FIRST COHORT: Kit Albright
Christopher Ashby
SECOND COHORT: Michael O'Connell
Lucius O'Connell
THIRD COHORT: Bruno Steinmetz
Mattan Ballas
Percy Jackson and The Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus, and their characters belong to Rick Riordan. All original characters belong to their respected owners/players.
LJ icon cred: poptartmuse